Les Experts de la Relance, join us !

“Les Experts de la Relance” (the recovery experts) is a public interest group that wants to take part in the economic recovery.
“We can only re-establish confidence in the future, revive our businesses and build tomorrow’s economy by working together, uniting our strengths and acting in the common interest.”
Born on the initiative of 3 investment banks – Arjil & Associés, Linkapital and Societex, who wanted to associate in a same movement, this Club aims to be as inclusive as possible and is open to all actors wanting to play a full part in reviving our economy.
It aims to:
– federate all the actors wanting to mobilise and act together to support the economic recovery,
– favour interactions between entrepreneurs, investors, lenders and consultants,
– develop collective intelligence and create the conditions for bounce-back,
– encourage and promote all initiatives and schemes that may contribute to the growth of our companies and favour employment,
– share any relevant content, barometers, surveys, studies, testimonies, feedback and expert opinions.
Find out more on our LinkedIn page Les Experts de la Relance and feel free to contact our team !