MBGO DEV takes over ALYRA, the first blockchain school

About Societex

Blockchain education

  • Societex was pleased to support MBGO Dev in its acquisition of Alyra, the leading blockchain school.
  • In a short space of time, Alyra has distinguished itself as the pioneer and leader in blockchain vocational training, anticipating and adapting to significant changes in data and property management, moving away from traditional centralised models.
  • Gwendoline and Matthieu Beaurain, drawing on their wide-ranging entrepreneurial experience, set up MBGO Dev with the ambitious aim of developing a Talent Management business. Training is one of the company’s main areas of development, with the aim of offering solutions tailored to the major societal changes that the world is gradually facing, with skills becoming increasingly technical and the number of areas of activity multiplying.
  • MBGO Dev’s acquisition of Alyra combines education and innovation, reinforcing their forward-thinking positioning in a sector undergoing constant change. This reflects a deep understanding of the current and future needs of education, with a focus on the growing importance of blockchain as a key technology for the coming years.
  • This strategic partnership will enable Alyra to benefit from Matthieu and Gwendoline Beaurain’s recognised expertise in vocational training and job placement. The aim is to strengthen existing training offerings and launch new initiatives in the emerging fields of blockchain and AI.
  • “The acquisition of Alyra and the association with Jérémy Wauquier allows MBGO Dev to take a key position in the training sector dedicated to Blockchain and more broadly to Digital Technology. We were very impressed by the level of skills of the Alyra team and by the visionary leadership of Jérémy Wauquier and his team. This is probably what has enabled Alyra to play a leading role in driving the Blockchain community in France. Alyra will be the bridgehead for MBGO Dev’s investments in Tech and Digital.” – Gwendoline and Matthieu Beaurain, Co-Founders of MBGO Dev


  • MBGO Dev is the family holding company of Gwendoline and Matthieu Beaurain, created in 1998 to house their entrepreneurial projects in the human resources sector.
  • “MBGO Dev aims to play a leading role in building a community of professional training providers serving freelance workers and future self-employed workers. Convinced by the inevitable progression of the post-salaried society and the continuing growth in the number of self-employed Talents, we want to equip Talents with skills that are in high demand and thus facilitate the marketing of their various services.“ – Gwendoline and Matthieu Beaurain, Co-Founders of MBGO Dev

Client testimonial

“The Societex team was very involved throughout the project. Societex came up with creative proposals that enabled us to quickly align both parties in a win-win situation to promote the company’s long-term growth.” – Gwendoline and Matthieu Beaurain, Co-Founders of MBGO Dev



  • Advisors :
    • M&A Advisor : Kray&Co (Thomas RIGAUDEAU, Hugo ADDENET, Monica AVELLO)
    • Corporate Lawyers : Vivien & Associés (Julie TCHAGLASS, Elie LOUNIS, Alexia MORLIER)


  • MBGO DEV (Gwendoline BEAURAIN, Matthieu BEAURAIN)
  • Advisors :
    • M&A Advisor : Societex (Yoann SUZANNE)
    • Corporate Lawyers : Leaf Avocats (Charlotte MANTOUX, Philippe RUFF)
    • Bank : BNP Paribas (Sophie DEBART LANDRY, Simon GOUSSE, Mélanie PIRES)