Who are we?

Our sector-based expertises

Our experts

SOCIETEX has developed a sector-based approach for industry and industry services, tech, construction, agrifood and hospitality. We have established privileged relations with experts in each of these business sectors and developed partnerships with merger & acquisition teams dedicated exclusively to the agrifood and hospitality sectors. SOCIETEX works both in France and abroad, for SMEs, mid-caps, Groups and Private Equity funds.


SOCIETEX boasts over 40 years’ experience in the industry sector to advise entrepreneurs, shareholders and managers in the context of transfers, acquisitions and fund raisers.

We call upon experts in this field, such as production engineers with varied industrial and operational backgrounds.

Our consultancy process is in line with the industry of the future approach, which focusses on:

  • infrastructure and layout services (industrial real estate, cyber security, layout engineering, etc.)
  • industrial innovation (access to technologies, prototyping workshops, shared production resources, etc.)
  • the ecological transition (facility management, industrial ecology, circular economy, etc.)
  • regulations (circulation and recovery of eco-produced materials, environmental risks, health & safety, etc.)
  • human resources (sharing platforms for learning knowledge, raising awareness of safety aspects, etc.)

In the context of the French economic recovery plan linked to the Covid-19 crisis, industrial companies, especially in the aeronautics field, will be lead to review their business plans and operating methods. In some cases, mergers or transfers will be necessary.

SOCIETEX is highly involved in the aeronautics and defence sectors in the current context.


For many years now, SOCIETEX has worked in the Tech area, both in France and abroad, for SMEs and Groups alike, in the context of transfers, acquisitions and fund raisers.

We are interested in all Tech business lines, and especially companies developing disruptive technologies and areas such as software editing, IT consulting and DigitalTech.

New technologies have led to great changes in the business models of many industries. The defence and aeronautics sectors are undergoing major changes, especially with the development of drones, augmented reality and AI. Cybersecurity has also become a sector in its own right with the accelerated development of business digitisation and an increase in cybercrime.

The construction sector is also undergoing major changes with the search for more energy efficiency, the use of new materials, the deployment of BIM, and the importance of recovering waste.

The industrial sector is undergoing a deep mutation with AI, robots, cobots, sensors, as well as virtual and augmented reality, which is in line with the industry 4.0 dynamic, where production is more flexible and in line with a CSR approach.

The financial, insurance, and even the legal sectors are also undergoing this revolution, where digitisation leads to fully dematerialised processes and where customer relations are built on an efficient multi-channel approach that meets the customer’s expectations as regards invoicing and user experience.

Societex is fully aware of these major changes and committed to them through its ecosystem comprising entrepreneurs, lawyers and experts based both in France and abroad. Our extensive expertise in the Tech sector enables us to advise you in all your capital developments.


The construction sector has always been part of SOCIETEX’s core business, whether it be by helping shareholding executives transfer their company or assisting senior managers with reorganising their non-strategic activities.

We boast extensive expertise in the following trades :

  • Construction & civil engineering,
  • General building companies,
  • Specialised finishings (HVAC, electricity, interior design, metal work, etc.)
  • Manufacturing and distribution of construction products (formwork, specialist trade, etc.)
  • Ancillary services (construction equipment rental, Facility Management)
  • The associated engineering (technical design office: concrete, thermal, utilities, etc.)
  • New technologies (BIM software, Smart Building, etc.)

Construction is a constantly changing sector and is prone to strong consolidations with an increasingly international dimension, which is one of SOCIETEX’s areas of expertise.

Moreover, major projects (Grand Paris, Paris 2024), ecological mutations and renovation needs linked to the energy transition, reinforce the attractiveness of the sector.


SOCIETEX has created AgreeFood, a new player specialising in the merger of agri-food companies and in regional, French and international development strategies.

Today, the objective and ambition of the AgreeFood offer is to bring together the strengths of the AgreeFood teams and external specialists by combining financial techniques, process monitoring and a perfect knowledge of the agri-food environment to offer clients a specialised, professional and relevant service.

AgreeFood carries out a concrete strategic analysis of the company as part of the assignment to better understand the future challenges and facilitate the sale or acquisition of the company.




SOCIETEX has signed a partnership with Hotel Conseil & Transaction, an independent consultancy and transaction company founded in 2010 and operating in the hospitality sector.

SOCIETEX and Hotel Conseil & Transaction (HC&T) focus their expertises at the service of hospitality investors and managers through Hotel-Invest Partners.

A partnership between an independent investment bank and a specialist of the hospitality sector, Hotel-Invest Partners forms a team that relies on a two-fold operational and financial approach to hospitality, to support you with all aspects of the investment cycle and business management.

Our expertise extends to the whole investment cycle and all transactional processes, including: consultancy on transfers, acquisitions, outsourcing, feasibility studies, fund raisers and financial engineering. Pragmatic, operational and turned to the future, we also help you redefine your strategic lines, steer operational or financial performance, as well as restructure and asses your performance.

We also conduct operational consultancy missions for auditing, strategic analysis and operational management. Finally, Hotel-Invest Partners conducts asset and business valuations as an independent expert.

Hotel-Invest Partners has a team of over ten people with complementary skills to advise its clients, both in France and in Europe.

We rely on our deep knowledge of the different markets and a strong network of partners based all over France and abroad:

  • Economic and financial actors
  • Banks
  • Investment funds
  • Family offices
  • Public and institutional actors